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All About Amethyst

amethyst and diamond cocktail ring

Amethyst is a popular gemstone used in jewelry. It’s also February’s birthstone. Keep reading to learn more about this semi-precious gemstone. 

What is Amethyst?  

Amethyst is a member of the quartz family. It’s the most well-known purple gemstone. Amethyst can be a pale purple or extremely saturated. The most valuable amethysts are an intense reddish-purple or purple.  

Amethyst has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. It does not have cleavage (planes in a gemstone that make them split easily), so it is quite durable.  

Amethyst gets its iconic color from iron and aluminum impurities that are present while the stone is being formed. However, most amethysts on the market have been heat treated. This process subjects a stone to intense heat to improve color and clarity.  

Most of the world’s amethyst comes from Brazil. It can also be found in many other countries, including Zambia, Uruguay, Russia, Madagascar, and South India. The stone can even be mined in the United States – primarily in Arizona, North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Maine. Amethyst can be lab-created. 

The History of Amethyst  

The word amethyst comes from the Greek word “amethystos”, which translates to “not drunk.” The ancient Greeks believed that wearing amethyst or putting alcohol in a cup made of amethyst would prevent drunkenness. Amethyst has historically been a symbol of royalty, especially in the Middle Ages. It was believed to be incredibly valuable and rare and was considered as precious as diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies until it was discovered to be abundant in Brazil. 

Amethyst Meaning 

Historically, amethyst indicated royalty. Today, amethyst is said to provide protection, peace, and healing amongst spiritual communities and crystal collectors. 

Is Amethyst Good for Engagement Rings? 

The use of amethyst in engagement rings is slightly controversial amongst jewelers. Since it has a hardness of 7, some believe it is too soft for an engagement ring. According to the GIA, amethyst is a durable gem for jewelry, as long as preventative measures are taken to ensure the stone does not get scratched. You should take off your amethyst ring anytime you are doing hands-on work to prevent the stone from scratching.  

Is Amethyst Expensive?  

Cut amethyst isn’t very expensive since the stone is abundant in the earth. The price of each amethyst will vary depending on its size and quality. Amethyst can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 per carat depending on the stone’s quality. 

How to Clean Amethyst 

Amethyst can easily be cleaned with warm water and gentle soap. Let it soak for 10-15 minutes in the solution, then scrub it gently with a soft toothbrush. Make sure to rinse it off with warm water, then let it air dry.  


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