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Feeling Stumped? How to Decide What to Have Engraved On Your Wedding Bands

diamond wedding rings

Having a secret message engraved inside your wedding rings is the most sentimental way to add a personalized touch to an already unique piece of jewelry, creating a lasting symbol of your love and commitment. Inscribing a significant date, two intertwined initials, or a phrase with special meaning only for the wearers to see is undeniably romantic. This practice has stood the test of time, dating back to medieval times when people engraved their most treasured jewelry with religious quotes and heartfelt vows, symbolizing their unwavering devotion. Opting for engraved wedding rings enables you to make the ring truly your own. However, it is understandable to feel a bit uncertain as you want to ensure you choose a meaningful inscription that reflects your unique relationship on your beloved ring. Since deciding on the ideal inscription for your wedding rings is more challenging than it sounds, this guide will help you to navigate the process of choosing something you will always enjoy looking at. Some choose to use their favorite line from a beloved book, movie, song, a phrase from a romantic poem, or symbols such as infinity symbols, hearts, or Celtic trinity knots—the sky's the limit for wedding ring inscriptions. 

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Explore ring engraving ideas that range from traditional, religious, and numeric to romantic and humorous; get inspired by these suggestions as you contemplate the perfect inscriptions for your rings!

What to Keep In Mind Before Getting Your Rings Engraved

​Before beginning the ring engraving process, it is essential to be ultra-specific with your instructions. Take the time to write down or print the desired inscription to ensure clear communication. Before handing it over to the engraver, double-check the spelling, and once you receive your engraved wedding rings, carefully review the inscription once again for accuracy. To ensure your wedding rings are ready in time for your vow exchange at the altar, it's a wise idea to begin the process at least two months ahead. However, if you decide to engrave your ring after the wedding day, there's no need to worry. You can personalize your ring with an inscription at any point, whether it's a few months or even years later.

And Now For Some Wedding Ring Engraving Inspo!

​Traditional Inscriptions:

Your combined initials

Nicknames you have for each other

Happily ever after

The infinity symbol

Forever begins

Always & Forever


I love you

United as One

Uncountable Blessings

Love, Honor & Cherish

The Beginning of Forever

Now and Forever

I Thee Wed

I Have, I Do & I Will

Happy Ever After


Forever in Love

Forever Begins (wedding date)

Forever Entwined

Eternally Yours

Beloved Husband/Wife

Always & Forever

Numeric inscriptions:

The date you met 

Your first date anniversary 

The date of your first kiss

The date of your wedding day

The date of your engagement

Coordinates of the location where you first met

Romantic inscriptions:

A song lyric you both love

My One and Only

Never to Part

All my Love

I Choose You

Soulmates Forever

Our Love is Eternal

X+X Forever (use your first initials)

All My Love

True Love

One Love

Adventure Awaits

Yours Forever

You Have My Heart

You & Only You


Written in the Stars

With All My Heart

Upon a Star

Two Souls, One Heart

Truly, Madly, Deeply

To My One & Only

My One True Love

My Best Friend

Love of My Life

Love & Kisses


Joined for Life

You’ll Never Wander Alone

Romantic Inscriptions in Various Languages:


Amore Mio (My love)

Vivo per lei (I live for her)

Il mio cuore è per sempre tuo (My heart is forever yours)


Je t'aime (I love you)

Mon amour (My love)

Pour tous jours (For all days)

Joie sans fin (Joy without end)

Mon coeur t'appartient (My heart belongs to you)

Oui Pour Toujours (Yes Forever)

Mon Coeur Est à Toi Seul (My heart is yours alone)


Para Siempre - Yours Forever

Te Amare Siempre - I will always love you

Siempre tuyo/tuya - Forever yours

Estás conmigo siempre - you are with me always

siempre el amor de mi vida - Always the love of my life 

Es por ti que late mi corazón. - My heart beats for you


Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li - I am my beloved's, my beloved is mine

Ze Dodi V’ze Re’ei - This is my beloved and my friend

Ahavat Olam Ahavtech - I love you, an eternal love

Matzati et Sh’Ahava Nafshi - I found the one my soul loves 


Amor vincit omnia - Love conquers all

Semper amemus - Let us always love

Semper fidelis - Always faithful

Humorous Inscriptions:

An inside joke that’s only relevant to you both

The Better Half

Ride or Die



Property of (your name or initials)

Incredibly Lucky

Worth the wait

Do not Remove

Insert Finger Here

Legally Mine

My Partner In Crime

No Returns, No Exchanges!

To Aid and Abet

To Love, Honor & Irritate

Trophy Wife (or Husband)

Why is This Off?

Finders Keepers


Religious Inscriptions:

God for me, provided thee

Joined under God

God Unites in Love


Deus Nos iunxit (Latin: God Joined Us)

Mizpah (Hebrew: May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another.)

God Unites Both in Love

Where You Go, I Will Go (Ruth 1:16)

Do Everything in Love (Corinthians 16:14)

Coordinating Ring Inscriptions:

Ring #1: To Have / Ring # 2: To Hold

Ring #1: I Am My Beloved's / Ring #2: My Beloved is Mine

Ring #1: I Found a Reason / Ring #2: And the Reason is You

Ring #1: I Found My Other Half / Ring #2: My Other Half Found Me

Ring #1: For I’d Found Love / Ring #2: And Love Was You

Ring #1: I am my beloved / Ring #2: And my beloved is mine

Ring #1: Moon of my life / Ring #2: My sun and stars

Ring #1: I love you / Ring #2: I know

Ring #1: I do / Ring #2: Me too

​How Much Does it Cost to Have Wedding Rings Engraved?

The pricing for wedding ring engraving can differ among jewelers, typically depending on factors such as the length of the inscription, the chosen font style, and whether it will be done by hand or machine engraving. At Ritani, our wedding rings come with the option for complimentary engraving, including symbols such as hearts, infinity signs, etc. We can engrave up to 12 characters, including spaces, depending on the size of your ring. Due to the nature of eternity bands, they cannot be engraved, and engraving tungsten, tantalum, or cobalt wedding rings will make them a final sale.

Still looking for your wedding rings? Browse our broad ring collection; from modern to traditional, we have wedding rings to suit everybody's taste! If you'd like help finding your ideal rings, or have any questions, contact us today!