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How Should an Engagement Ring Fit?

bride wearing engagement ring

Did you know that the size of your fingers fluctuates throughout the day? This can make finding the right ring size tricky. In the morning, when your body temperature is lower, your fingers will be slightly smaller. As the day goes on and your body temperature increases, your fingers may be slightly larger. Finding the right ring size is important, not only for comfort, but to make sure you don’t lose your ring. 

Signs Your Ring is Too Large 

A ring that slides up and down your finger or completely off is a clear sign that it is too large and needs to be sized down.   

Another sign your ring is too large is if it easily comes off when you wash your hands with cold water. You don’t want to lose your ring while washing and drying your hands, especially in a public restroom. 

If your ring is spinning on your finger, that’s another sign it needs to be sized down. 

Signs Your Ring is Too Small  

An obvious sign your ring is too small is if you have difficulty putting it on, or you can’t get it on at all. If you feel a tingling sensation in your finger, that’s another sign your ring is too small. 

If you look down at your hand and see what some call a ring muffin top” (skin popping out from under the ring), you should definitely get your ring resized larger.  

Another sign your ring may be too tight is if it leaves an indent on your finger when you take it off. 

What to Do If Your Ring Doesn’t Fit  

At Ritani, we offer one free ring sizing within the first year of purchase. Another option is adding sizing beads to your ring. Sizing beads are particularly beneficial for those with wide knuckles since they allow you to slide the ring on without it being too loose at the base of your finger.  

Another option is to invest in a ring guard, which is a ring that frames your engagement ring. Or, if you notice on a colder day that your fingers have shrunk, you can put a smaller-sized ring in front of your engagement ring to prevent loss.  

UP NEXT: 9 Things You Should Be Doing to Take Care of Your Engagement Ring

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