The 31-year-old English pop singer and songwriter Charli XCX initially shared news of her engagement to The 1975's George Daniel on her private Instagram for her fans. She later confirmed the engagement by sharing pictures with her indie-pop artist and producer fiancé, the drummer of ‘The 1975,’ on her public Instagram the following morning. In her initial post, the Speed Drive singer posted a selfie, showing her hand with a diamond engagement ring. In her subsequent and more official announcement on social media, the alt-pop singer shared a carousel of images showing the couple embracing. Another shared image featured a tea tray with two cups, a candle, purple flowers, and a box containing an engagement ring, providing a glimpse into her fiancé's thoughtful proposal.
Are you noticing subtle hints and anticipating a big question with a sparkly new engagement ring soon? Here’s how to make sure your nails are proposal ready.
Actor and former '106 & Park' host Terrence J is officially engaged to model Mikalah Sultan. Take a look at her jaw-dropping emerald-cut engagement ring!
Discovering your partner's ring size discreetly can be a challenge, but with these clever methods, you can ensure a perfect fit for a surprise proposal.