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September 22, 2022

Round Cut Diamonds vs. Cushion Cut Diamonds

round diamond next to a cushion cut diamond

If you’re shopping for an engagement ring, you’ve probably noticed all of the different diamond shapes to choose from. Round cut diamonds (or round-shaped diamonds) and cushion-cut diamonds (or cushion-shaped diamonds) are among the most popular. You may be wondering what the differences are between these two shapes – let’s take a look.  

Round Cut Diamonds

round solitaire diamond engagement ring

Round diamonds are the most popular shape because of their timelessness. They’re the most expensive shape because of their high demand and the way they are cut. A larger raw diamond is needed to cut a round shape since much of the rough stone goes to waste after it is cut.

They’re also very popular because they are cut to create the most sparkle. Who doesn’t want a sparkly diamond?! The sparkle of a round-shaped diamond will also help hide inclusions. Below is an illustration of all of the different facets a round diamond has, which can be difficult to see in photographs.

round shaped diamond illustration

Round cut diamonds feature 57-58 facets. (Facets are the flat surfaces on a diamond that refract light.) The many facets of a round-shaped diamond are also useful for hiding inclusions. Inclusions are the small imperfections in a diamond. You can save money on a round diamond by opting for a lower clarity grade.

Cushion-Cut Diamonds

cushion cut engagement ring on hand

Cushion-cut diamonds get their name from their pillow-like silhouette – they have a square shape but with rounded edges. They’re considered a fancy cut diamond – any diamond that’s not a round brilliant diamond falls under this category. This diamond is like a cross between a princess diamond and a round diamond. The rounded edges of a cushion-shaped diamond are less prone to chipping than a princess diamond which has sharp edges. If you do a lot of hands-on work, this may be a better alternative for you than a princess-shaped diamond. Cushion diamonds come in different length-to-width ratios, so some of them have a more elongated shape that closely resembles a rectangle.

Cushion-shaped diamonds are the third most popular diamond shape after round and princess-shaped diamonds. They’re admired for their antique roots – this shape was popular in the Georgian and Victorian era. If you’re looking for a vintage style ring, this is a great center stone option.

Cushion shaped diamonds retain vibrant color well, making them a popular cut for fancy colored diamonds. However, if you want a classic white diamond, don’t go lower than an H-grade (near-colorless) diamond. Anything lower than H will clearly show a yellow tint.

Compared to round diamonds, cushion diamonds are about 25%-50% less expensive. However, the price of cushion diamonds can change depending on popularity, as with any other diamond shape.

Cushion-cut diamonds often have a softer, more subtle sparkle than round-shaped diamonds, which may be more appealing to some diamond shoppers.

Like round diamonds, they typically have 58 facets.

cushion shaped diamond illustration

Ultimately, the shape you choose is all about preference. There is no one shape that is better than the other – they are both beautiful shapes that will look stunning on your finger. 




Learn more about round cut diamonds here:

Learn the differences between round-cut diamonds and princess-cut diamonds here:

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