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What is the Symbolism Behind Evil Eye Jewelry?

What Exactly is 'The Evil Eye'?

Historically, the evil eye is a supernatural belief centered around a curse, typically cast upon a person through a malevolent and unnoticed gaze. Tracing its roots back approximately 5000 years, this concept, which centers around the belief that encountering the evil eye may result in misfortune, encompasses multiple cultures in the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and Central Asia. Others view it as a mystical force reflecting malice back at those who wish ill upon others, particularly the innocent. Historically, the symbol was made from ceramics or clay, but its popularity surged with the Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans when glass beads became commonplace around 1500 BC. Due to its prevalence, approximately 40% of the world's population embraces protective measures against the evil eye. Although the evil eye is relevant to various cultures, it especially bears distinction in the Balkans, Mediterranean, and West Asia. Jewish rabbinic literature also refers to the concept multiple times. Other amulets and talismans, such as the hamsa hand, are also used to ward off the evil eye. Italy, especially southern Italy, has its own distinct array of symbols and gestures, including the cornicello, a twisted horn-shaped charm, the cimaruta symbol, and the hand sign of horns, all aimed at protecting against the malicious influence of the evil eye. When it comes to protecting oneself from mystical malevolent forces, few charms are as widely recognized and reputed as the 'evil eye.' This potent symbol, historically depicted as a cobalt-blue eye, holds a universal presence, appearing in various places, from the sides of planes to the pages of comic books and, of course, jewelry. Its ubiquity speaks to its enduring popularity and significance as a protective talisman.

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Traditional evil eye amulets for sale at a market in Turkey.

What is the Difference Between the Evil Eye and an Eye Amulet?

When learning about the origins of the evil eye, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between the eye amulet and the evil eye itself. Although it is typically referred to as ‘the evil eye,’ an amulet or charm is the physical element that protects against the actual ‘evil eye,’ which is considered a curse perpetrated through an envious or ill-intentioned gaze. The amulet, with its various forms spanning thousands of years, has a well-established history, but the origins of the curse it wards off are far older and more challenging to trace.

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Protective evil eye amulets tied to tree branches on the Greek island of Santorini.

Are There Any 'Rules' for Wearing Evil Eye Jewelry?

When wearing evil eye jewelry, there are no moral differences between the left and right sides; however, each side is believed to provide distinct forms of protection. The left side of your body is linked with your inner emotional realm, reflecting vulnerability. To safeguard your personal life, especially during times of heightened sensitivity, consider wearing an evil eye bracelet on your left wrist or a ring on your left hand. Conversely, the right side of your body is associated with tangible and material aspects of life, including your career and business pursuits. If you're concerned about negativity affecting these areas, wearing evil eye jewelry on your right side may provide a shield against adverse influences.

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A hamsa hand keychain with the evil eye. The hamsa hand is also a protective symbol closely associated with Jewish culture and dates back to ancient Mesopotamia.

Is it Okay to Buy Evil Eye Jewelry for Myself? 

Yes, absolutely! Traditionally, evil eye jewelry has been considered a meaningful gift, often given to individuals for protection, such as babies, pregnant mothers, etc. However, it's essential to note that you can also purchase evil eye jewelry as a gift to yourself to achieve the same protection against negative energies and influences.

In modern times, wearing evil eye jewelry has become an elegant and stylish way to protect the wearer from negative vibes, providing power and protection against bad luck. Some evil eye jewelry features diamonds and other gemstones, further adding to the jewelry pieces' allure. Although wearing evil eye jewelry has become increasingly popular in recent years, its rich and storied history makes it far more than just a passing trend. We are excited to present our collection of evil eye jewelry pieces, a few of which also incorporate the Hamsa hand, another protective symbol associated with evil eye protection.




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