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April 17, 2023

15 Creative, Out-of-The-Box Ways To Propose

The time has come! It is clear as day that you and your beloved are now ready to take your relationship to the next level, and now feels like a better time than ever to pop the big question. But an equally significant question you probably have is how to make your proposal extraordinary enough to suit this incredible person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Nowadays, it is the creative marriage proposals that seem almost de rigueur. Here are some undeniably passionate and out-of-the-box proposal ideas that will absolutely impress your other half and make your partner glow as brightly as the diamond that will grace their hand.

1. Airplane Proposal

Plan a destination vacation and propose while on the plane using the speaker system. Beforehand, contact the airline call center or public relations team to discuss how you would like to conduct your mile-high proposal. After this, contact the flight manager and crew to help ensure that everything goes according to plan. Since you must empty your pockets before the airport security screening, do not put the engagement ring in your pocket. To prevent spoiling the surprise, notifying the airline in advance will enable them to coordinate with the airport staff and flight crew to ensure that your proposal—from getting through security to gaining permission to propose over the intercom—goes without a hitch.

2. Propose with a Personal Chef

Plan an at-home date night with a special multi-course dinner prepared by a personal chef, incorporating your partner’s favorite dishes. Although there are many ways to successfully pull this off, the most tried and true way to do this is to have the chef place the engagement ring on one of the course plates, preferably dessert. Be sure to include candles, roses, or any flower your partner loves, a specially curated playlist, and any other personalized touches you think would enhance the romantic vibe.

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3. An Engagement Ring Treasure Hunt

Add mystery and excitement to your proposal by creating a fun engagement ring treasure hunt. Make a treasure map and hide clues leading up to the ring’s location; make it extra exciting by asking friends and family to show up at each location, so they will all be there to celebrate at the final location when you pop the question. Have a friend or family member accompany your partner during the hunt so they can keep you apprised of their progress as your love completes the treasure hunt. Be sure to include at least a couple of stops along the way that are meaningful to you as a couple. Although the treasure hunt will be a surprise, your significant other will probably figure out what is going on as they follow the clues and come closer to where you are with the ring, increasing the anticipation and making this type of proposal even more romantic.

4. Make a Proposal Sign, Banner, or Tapestry

For crafty individuals, try writing, Will You Marry Me? or a similar proposal message using markers or paint on a poster board, a canvas banner, a wooden sign, or any other art supplies. If you are not artistically inclined, you can hire a graffiti artist to write out your marriage proposal, or you can order a custom-printed sign or tapestry with your proposal message. Whichever way you do it, be sure you have someone nearby to take plenty of photos.

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5. Propose With a Musical Performance

Hire a choir, brass band, string quartet, etc., to do a surprise performance of your partner's favorite love song in a park or other public space as part of your proposal. Ask the musicians if they can include your future spouse's name in the lyrics for a personalized touch.

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6 Hire a Street Caricaturist to Help You Propose

Hire a street caricaturist, and plan a surprise marriage proposal by asking the artist in advance to draw a picture of you and your partner with the words, "Will you marry me" and “Yes” in word bubbles. You can also find caricature artists through Etsy and other similar online marketplaces.

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7. A Skyward Proposal

​The grandest gesture on this list by far, finding a skywriter-for-hire to write your proposal in the sky for all to see, is arguably one of the boldest ways to pop the question. Hiring a pilot to fly a custom banner proposal is equally impressive. If you propose this way, pay close attention to the weather forecast to avoid scheduling it under extremely windy or cloudy conditions. Be prepared to get down on one knee immediately when your love looks up to read the message.

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8. Pop the Question Via Jumbotron

If you both love sports, take your partner to see their favorite team and ask the venue about the possibility of proposing on the jumbotron. You may even want to put the engagement ring in a cracker jack box to give your proposal more of a nostalgic feel.

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9. Create a Candlelit Path That Leads to You

​Set up a candle trail that extends from your house, a hotel room, a garden walkway, or a beach path to a circle of votives or tea-light candles placed around you while holding the engagement ring. Make it extra romantic by arranging the candles in the shape of a heart. You can also do this with rose petals or spell out—Will You Marry Me? with small candles.

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10. Berry or Apple Picking Proposal

Ask your love to come with you on a berry-picking or apple-picking outing to make some fresh pies. Once you and your partner are in the orchard, tell your partner you have found the perfect apple or berry. Instead of finding a flawless piece of fruit, they will find you holding an engagement ring.

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11. Propose With a Fireworks Display

Best done in warmer weather, do a little research and find a professional pyrotechnician to spell out your marriage proposal with sparklers. This proposal is most effective on a beach, in a park, or your backyard.

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12. Ski Lift Proposal

In preparation, write words and phrases in the snow that your partner will see as you both ride the ski lift. You can write out anything you like, including love names, relationship milestone dates, etc. Keep it sentimental, with the last message reading, Will You Marry Me? You can make your words stand out by using food coloring. To accomplish this, all you need to do is add a few drops of food coloring to some water and write out your messages in the snow using a spray or squirt bottle, a water gun, a turkey baster, or just about anything else you feel will help you get the job done!

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13. Propose With a Fortune Cookie

Thanks to Amazon, you can now buy a fortune cookie with a little paper message inside the cookie that says, Will You Marry Me? There are two ways to accomplish this type of proposal—you can order takeout and act as if it came with your meal, or you can stealthily bring the fortune cookie to a restaurant and pretend it came from there.

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14. Message in a Bottle Beach Proposal 

If your other half adores the beach, ask a friend to place a bottle with your handwritten, heartfelt message folded inside, placed on the sand for your significant other to find. Go for a walk, and when you reach the strategically placed bottle, encourage your love to pick it up. As soon as your partner unfolds the note and reads it, get down on one knee to propose while your friend takes photos or records the proposal. 

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15. Propose With Your Pet 

This proposal idea is perfect for pet parents. To include your four-legged friend in your proposal, have a custom-printed collar, bandana, tag, sweater, jacket, or doggy tee made with your proposal printed on it. And you can even attach the engagement ring directly to your pet's collar!

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Before popping the question, depending on how and where you decide to propose, consider asking a friend or family member, or hire a professional photographer or videographer to document your proposal through video, photos, or even better–both, to memorialize this momentous occasion for you both to look back on fondly for years to come.

Browse through our vast selection of engagement rings—we have something to suit all styles and budgets. Or, let us help you design a custom engagement ring—contact us today!