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August 16, 2022

Is moonstone good for engagement rings?

moonstone rings

With its unique hue and soft luster, what’s not to love about moonstone? This dreamy gemstone is quite popular in fashion jewelry - especially in rings, pendants, and earrings 

If you are wondering if moonstone is good for engagement rings, you’ve come to the right place – as engagement ring experts, we’ve got answers.  

Moonstone is Too Soft 

Moonstone, a member of the feldspar family, has a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale. The Mohs scale measures how easily a mineral can be scratched.  

mohs scale

Source: GIA

Engagement rings should be able to withstand everyday wear – after all, this is a ring that you will wear and cherish forever. Moonstone should be avoided in engagement rings because it is relatively soft and can easily be scratched. Because of this, your moonstone ring will lose its beauty and luster over time. We recommend reserving moonstone for fashion rings and cocktail rings so if the stone becomes damaged, you won’t be losing an extremely sentimental piece of jewelry.

How to Take Care of your Moonstone Engagement Ring 

If your heart is 100% set on a moonstone engagement ring, or you already own one and are just looking for tips on how to take care of it, here’s what you can do:  

1. Use Mild Soap Only

Moonstone is too fragile to be cleaned with a steam or ultrasonic cleaner. Simply use warm water (NOT hot water, which can damage moonstone), mild soap, and a soft cloth or a soft toothbrush to gently clean the stone. Pat it dry with a soft cloth.

2. Know When to Take it Off  

Since moonstone can be easily damaged, it’s important to take it off when engaging in strenuous activities, like chores around the house, cleaning, swimming, exercising, or taking a shower.

3. Store It Properly 

Store your moonstone ring away from other pieces of jewelry. If you have a jewelry box, keep it in a separate compartment, or keep it in a velvet pouch. If other jewelry pieces knock into your ring, it can scratch the moonstone. 

Moonstone Alternatives

If the unique appearance of moonstone has you hooked, but you want something more durable, check out these stunning gemstones that are suitable for engagement rings.  

Fancy White Diamonds

fancy white diamond

Source: GIA 

Fancy white diamonds differ from colorless diamonds that are frequently used in engagement rings and fine jewelry. These diamonds are sometimes referred to as opalescent diamonds. The milky appearance of these diamonds gives them a similar look to moonstone, with the bonus of being hard enough for everyday wear. However, fancy white diamonds can be hard to find.


sapphire colors

Source: GIA   

Sapphires come in a variety of different colors, such as pink, blue, and purple. A light-colored sapphire will have the dreamy look that you’re seeking. You can even find color-changing sapphires and bi-color sapphires. These distinctive gems will stand out in your engagement ring and are suitable for everyday wear with a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale.


Christie's Alexandrite ring

Source: Christie’s 

Although it's not a dead-ringer for moonstone, Alexandrite is quite unique and dreamy. Another color-changing stone with a hardness of 8.5, you’ll love the gorgeous hues that Alexandrite has to offer - it looks green or blue-green in daylight, but changes to red under incandescent light. Unfortunately, since natural Alexandrite is very rare, it’s also very expensive. However, lab-grown Alexandrite is easier to find and much more affordable. 


We’re ready to help you source the perfect gemstone for your engagement ring. Contact us today to get started or browse our collection of engagement ring settings for some inspiration.  

Up Next: How to Buy a Sapphire Engagement Ring

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