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September 20, 2022

Uses for Diamonds Other Than Jewelry

loose round cut diamonds

We are all familiar with the beauty of a diamond set in an engagement ring, earrings, a pendant, and other fine jewelry. However, due to their superior strength and unique properties, diamonds can be used for a number of different things outside of jewelry. Read on for just a few of the many different industries that are using diamonds in both new and exciting and tried and true ways.

Industrial Uses for Diamonds

Adding diamond dust to a diamond polishing wheel.

The most common uses for diamonds outside of fine jewelry are for industrial applications. Because diamonds are so strong (scoring a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale), they are extremely effective at polishing, cutting, and drilling. Many industries – including automotive, mining, and military – use diamond saws and drills. Small diamond particles are added to drill bits and saw edges to make them more powerful for cutting tough materials.

Diamond particles are also important to the “circle of diamond life”. Naturally, industrial-grade diamonds are the best and strongest material to use for cutting and polishing their jewelry-grade counterparts.


Diamond Beauty Products

Something that keeps cropping up in celebrity news recently is the phenomenon of diamond beauty products. In 2011, Mila Kunis made headlines when she prepped for an awards show with a $7,000 ruby and diamond facial. Jennifer Lopez made headlines last month for using a diamond dust exfoliator to prevent cellulite. Diamond beauty products are not just limited to the celebrity set. Many beauty companies have started to offer products that include diamond dust, though they will be pricey.

As far as beauty benefits go, diamonds are advertised as both an exfoliator and a “blurring” ingredient to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. I understand the use of diamonds as an exfoliator, because they are a strong abrasive and would be gentle enough for facial use in powder form.

On the other hand, using diamonds to blur wrinkles would be both costly and possibly ineffective. You would need a high concentration of diamond dust in order to diffuse enough light to blur wrinkles. You would also have to reapply the product multiple times throughout the day, because diamonds are not an active ingredient. The price tag for all of those expensive diamond-based beauty products would definitely add up over time!

Diamonds and Health

rough diamonds

Diamonds also have potential health benefits. I’m not talking about the ancient superstition about diamonds warding off the evil eye, but legitimate medical research surrounding the use of nanodiamonds. Nanodiamonds are extremely tiny diamond particles, a thousand times smaller than a single human hair.

A recent study performed by Cardiff University showed that nanodiamonds are a great indicator of the effectiveness of cancer drugs. The researchers chose nanodiamonds because they reflect light and they are compatible with human cells. Using the diamonds’ reflective properties, the researchers were able to monitor the cellular processes that occurred once patients were given cancer medication.

Because diamonds have such a unique relationship with light, medical researchers have also looked into using them to help the visually impaired. Researchers have been testing diamonds as a potential material for bionic eyes and eye implants for the blind.

Audio Equipment With Diamonds

measuring a rough diamond

Some audiophiles swear by industrial-grade diamonds for improving sound quality. Diamond speaker domes produce high-quality sound because diamonds are hard enough that they can vibrate at high speeds without warping and damaging the audio quality. Additionally, diamond record needles are standard for high-quality record players and DJ equipment.

Sapphires are also used for record needles, and at a 9 on the Mohs Hardness Scale they are expected to provide 75-100 hours of excellent quality sound. At a 10, diamond record needles are expected to provide up to ten times that. One point on the Mohs Hardness Scale can make quite a difference!

Personally, I still prefer jewelry-grade loose diamonds for their attractive sparkle and artful diamond cuts. Still, it is amazing to learn about the creative and innovative ways that diamonds are being used to improve the world around us. From cosmetics to construction and from hospitals to home stereos, industrial-grade diamonds are proving their worth.

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